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Will West Stand with Canada if India Takes Canada in FATF?

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Will West Stand with Canada if India Takes Canada in FATF?

3 minutes read

In a recent conversation, Dr. Qamar Cheema addressed India’s strategic approach to promoting its foreign policy objectives while capitalizing on established Western regimes, particularly the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). He asserted that India has expressed a desire to have Canada placed on the FATF watchlist due to Canada’s perceived inaction against terrorist organizations that are banned in India.

Key Points:

  • India is seeking to utilize the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) as a tool to advance its foreign policy objectives by pressuring Canada to address terrorist organizations operating within its borders.
  • Western nations are increasingly relying on India for investments and shared national security interests, making them cautious about jeopardizing this relationship by siding with Canada.
  • China poses a more significant threat to the international community, with the U.S. and Europe dependent on China. India is seen as a strategic partner in addressing China’s challenges.
  • The potential implications of India’s FATF maneuver extend beyond the bilateral dispute and could affect the unity of Western nations. The presence of Khalistan-related groups in other Western countries adds complexity to the situation, making it unclear how the international community would respond to similar allegations.

India’s argument revolves around Canada’s purported failure to address terrorist organizations operating within its borders that have been designated as threats to India’s national security. These organizations, including Al Qaeda, Dagesh, and Lashkar e Tayiba, while primarily political in nature, have raised significant concerns in India. India’s intention to involve FATF in this matter indicates its readiness to exploit international mechanisms for its diplomatic objectives.

Dr. Cheema underlines that Western nations have, to a certain extent, distanced themselves from Canada, displaying a reliance on India for investments and shared national security interests. This reliance has prompted Western nations to tread carefully, as they aim to safeguard the political capital they have invested in India. This shift is exemplified by a recent statement from the U.S. Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, reaffirming the West’s stance against all terrorist organizations.

Dr. Cheema emphasizes that China represents a more significant threat to the international community, with the U.S. and Europe heavily dependent on China. India, in this context, is viewed as a stepping stone to address the challenges posed by China. The potential consequences of India’s FATF maneuver could impact the balance of power in the region and the West’s relations with India.

The application of FATF measures against Canada has sparked debates about whether Canada and Pakistan will face equivalent charges of money laundering and supporting terrorism. Canada, in this context, is perceived as having a more favorable position than Pakistan. However, India’s definition of terror funding, which includes alleged support from Khalistani elements in Canada to individuals in India, is at the center of the dispute.

Dr. Cheema contends that India’s diplomatic efforts, if successful, will enable India to attain its political objectives while maintaining its bilateral investments. The Western world’s stance towards Canada becomes a critical question, as they are not entirely dependent on India as they are on China. As a result, India may leverage this situation to garner political benefits at home.

The possibility that Khalistan-related groups may have a presence in other Western countries, including Australia, the United States, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, poses complex challenges. Should India seek to involve FATF against these nations, it remains uncertain whether they would be receptive.

India’s strategic utilization of FATF to advance its foreign policy objectives against Canada. The potential repercussions of this maneuver extend beyond the bilateral relationship and may impact the unity of Western nations. As the international community watches this diplomatic standoff unfold, the balance of power in the region, as well as the future of FATF and global counterterrorism efforts, remains uncertain.

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