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France riots and the global perspective: Lessons for harmonious coexistence

3 minutes read

France riots and the global perspective: Lessons for harmonious coexistence

3 minutes read

The recent tragic death of 17-year-old Nael at the hands of a policeman in Nanterre has ignited widespread resentment in France, resulting in protests and destruction. While the policeman responsible has been charged under homicide law. It is crucial to analyze the situation structurally and explore its underlying causes. In such trying times, it is important for Muslims to exercise caution and respect the wishes of the victim’s family, who seek peaceful protests.

The number of incidents like the one in Nanterre has been on the rise since the implementation of firearms laws in 2017, with reported cases increasing from 27 in 2017 to 40 in 2020 and 52 in 2022. However, it is essential to acknowledge that these incidents cannot be solely attributed to the laws themselves. The lack of professionalism and ignorance within the police force also play significant roles in these unfortunate events.

French society is predominantly secular, with Muslims comprising only 10% of the population. This society has generally been accepting of Muslims, but recent events indicate that some changes are occurring. These changes, not unique to France, are also being witnessed in other parts of the developing world and have an impact on Western societies at large. The freedom granted to Muslims in Western countries can sometimes lead to the establishment of parallel Islamic structures, which may unsettle people and fuel Islamophobic sentiments.

It is important for Muslims to recognize that when they migrate to other countries, especially Western countries, they need to embrace the values and cultural norms of their host societies. Failing to do so can create unnecessary tensions and conflicts. It is essential to understand that each country has its own cultural and moral values, which individuals from different backgrounds must learn to coexist with.

Mass migration plays a crucial role in these dynamics. Taking the example of Pakistan, which hosts a significant number of Afghan refugees, it is evident that individuals with different values and cultures can coexist within a society when there is mutual respect and understanding. The key lies in embracing the host country’s culture while maintaining one’s own identity.

Moreover, it is crucial to dispel misunderstandings surrounding Muslims and their motivations. Engaging in activities that promote violence and chaos in the name of Islam is a distortion of the true teachings of the faith. Islam advocates for coexistence and understanding, not the harm of others or the establishment of Islamic states. Muslims should strive to be ambassadors of peace, fostering harmony within their communities and with the wider society.

The tragic incident in Nanterre has revealed deep-rooted issues and to address these challenges, it is necessary to analyze the situation holistically, considering factors such as firearms laws, police professionalism, and the need for cultural understanding. Muslims, as members of a global community, should strive to embrace the values and cultural norms of their host countries while preserving their own identities. By fostering coexistence, respect, and peace, we can build stronger and more harmonious societies where tragic incidents like these become a thing of the past.

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